Let’s learn and share again!
This time is about User Experience Process. To dig about this topic, we will have two exciting sessions:
A. Speaker Talks
We have invited 3 experts to share their UX process in their daily works:
• Cipta Pratama, UI/UX Lead of Smart Digital Banking BTPN.
Profile: https://goo.gl/o1nJ9j
• Jon Deragon, VP Product of Bizzy.co.id.
Profile: https://goo.gl/Vo5dLY
• Jeffrey Hall, UNICEF Indonesia Innovation Lab Lead.
Profile: https://goo.gl/riQi4v
B. Open Space Discussion
You will have a group discussion so you can ask and share to all participants about this topic. We believe this format will help us fasten our growth in learning UX Design.
Only 15 seats left. Book yours now!